SEE GOBE: Skales Must Pay N4.5Bn Before He Can Leave Baseline Records

Have you ever heard the phrase, "rush in and rush out"? This is another classic example. But if you try to tell some of these young people to calm down, don't be faster than yourself because of money, they will think you are trying to control them, just because they are seeing others doing it.

But do you know what the 'others' you are looking at are doing in secret? Do you even know if their own "fall" is just around the corner? See, you can be what you want to be but with diligence. Don't rush!

As reported on Wednesday, Skales and his manager, Osagie are in police detention after being invited to clarify tales of stealing and fraud leveled against them by their record label, Baseline Records.

Sadly, it has just been revealed that Skales, out of desperation, signed a very bad deal...

According to what OluFamous gathered, Skales contract with Baseline Records states that the label will receive 70 percent of all his earnings. That means, any money that comes to Skales, he gets just 30 percent it and this is even AFTER deduction of costs. Waoh! And he blindly signed it?

Sources close to the record label said Skales can only leave if he pays them the sum of £10,000,000:

With exchange rate, that sum is like N4.5 Billion. Serious gobe!

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